The Ferris Sandbox

Getting Started

Experience the freedom of developing, deploying and running your own EVENT BASED MICROSERVICES, all in one environment.

Do All of This

The unique low learning curve approach significantly reduces the cost of deploying enterprise wide process and integration pipelines across disparate systems at a speed. While at the same time creating a platform with practically unbound access and ease of integration.


We understand that most software projects are built by teams of engineers. Many times, we see a mix of Software Engineers, DevOps, Data Engineers and Data Scientist. That's why we have taken a documentation approach that caters to the tasks of each of these groups:

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Developer Guide

Step by step guidance to building microservices and runninung code snippets as well as entire services.

Developer Guide
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Integrations Guide

The Integrations Guide provides an overview of integrations with various services and infrastructure.

Integrations Guide
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User Guide

Understand how Ferris is used effectively. With practical examples to obtaining hands-on experience.

User Guide


Over the years we have implemented many Use Cases across a diverse set of industries and horizontal practices. Have a look at our documentation and get inspired to start your own journey.

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Automated Data Ingestion

Use Case: Build complete front-to-back data ingestion, based on events, streams and batch data

Problem: Avoid static integrations that still only cater to batch cycles

Solution: Connect to any data source

Benefits: Low touch data ingestion, reduced to monitoring of processes and exception events

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Data Quality Automation

Use Case: Automate modular embedding and configuration of data quality steps into ingestion and curation processes

Problem: Data quality ownership in the wrong hands

Solution: Putting data quality configuration into the hands of data owners

Benefits: Greater agility and much faster time to market

Help is a Click Away

Are you stuck and need some hints to get you going again? Don't hesitate to contact our specialists. We are here to help!

Book your private session with a FERRIS Software Engineer

  • get expert hands-on advice for a Ferris Engineer
  • learn about event based engineering
  • learn about microservices use cases
  • trouble shoot services, orchestration and job issues
  • ask us any questions...

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User Community

Meet and interact with fellow Ferris Engineers on Slack for personal and hands-on support.

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Support Ticket

For more in-depth issues, submit a ticket with your questions, findings and suggestions.

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User Community

Join us on X (twitter) for an interactive dialog about Event based Engineering and Mircroservices.


More About Ferris

Stay up to date with our periodic Newsletter, containing the latest product and company news.

Program Terms

The Ferris Test Instance is offered by Ferris Labs AG for free, providing users with a non-exclusive, revocable license for testing and development purposes. Users are not obligated to commit to any actions, and the instance is not meant for data or code storage, undergoing a daily refresh with no service guarantees. Prohibited for production services, Ferris Labs may terminate access at its discretion. The terms are subject to modification, governed by Swiss law, and users agree to these conditions by accessing the test instance. For inquiries, users can contact Ferris Labs AG at the provided email address.